Sixteen paces
By twenty-three. They hold
Siege against humanity
And Truth
Employing time to drill through to his sanity

Lover of Antigone !
You will? You will unearth
Corpses of yester-
Year? Expose manure of present birth?

Seal him live
In that same necropolis.
May his ghost mistress
Point the classic
Route to Outsiders’ Stygian Mysteries.

He sleeps well, eats
Well. His doctors note
No damage
Our plastic surgeons tend his public image.

Fiction ? Is truth not essence
Of Art, and fiction Art?

Lest it rust
We kindly borrowed his poetic licence.

We hoped he’d prove – age
Or genius may recant – our butchers
Tired of waiting
Ordered; take the scapegoat, drop the sage.

Guara’l The lizard:
Every minute scrapes
A concrete mixer throat.
The cola slime
Flies to blotch the walls in patterned grime

The ghoul:
Flushed from hanging, sniffles
Snuff, to clear his head of
Sins — the law
Declared — that morning’s gallows load were dead of.

The voyeur:
Times his sly patrol
For the hour upon the throne
I think he thrills
To hear the Muse’s constipated groan

Wole Soyinka


  • Wole Soyinka, born in 1934, is a Nigerian playwright, poet, and novelist. He studied in England and later became a professor of comparative literature. He founded theatre groups and has been a visiting professor at various universities. Soyinka was arrested during the Nigerian civil war but continued his prolific writing career. Influenced by Yoruba mythology, his works include plays like "The Lion and the Jewel" and "Death and the King’s Horseman," novels such as "The Interpreters" and "Season of Anomy," and numerous poems.
Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka, born in 1934, is a Nigerian playwright, poet, and novelist. He studied in England and later became a professor of comparative literature. He founded theatre groups and has been a visiting professor at various universities. Soyinka was arrested during the Nigerian civil war but continued his prolific writing career. Influenced by Yoruba mythology, his works include plays like "The Lion and the Jewel" and "Death and the King’s Horseman," novels such as "The Interpreters" and "Season of Anomy," and numerous poems.

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